Become a Translator

Translators wanted!

Help us support the team by translating short articles on refugee topics from English / German into Arabic / Persian (and vice versa).

Translations take 5-15 minutes. You earn up to 2 Euro per translation.

How it Works

Step 2: Qualify!

Do at least two of German, English, Arabic and Persian language tests.

Step 3: Congrats!

Best translators will be notified upon new translation tasks and get paid via Paypal.

Become a Translator!

Sign up to become a Crowd Translator!

Sign Up!

Why Crowdee

The mission of Crowdee is to make crowd-powered AI applications available for all so that more people across industries can use the power of AI to solve business and social challenges. The translation industry is a key focus for the company helping to drive significant product innovation. Crowdee offers a platform for crowd-connected automatic translations that empowers clients to scale dramatically.